The 15th Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Iberian Law and Economics Association will be held on a Wednesday and Thursday, August 3-4th, and the Course for Judges on the following Friday and Saturday, August 5-6th, at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana at Bogota D.C., Colombia.
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE he meeting will bring together top scholars from Latin America and around the world to ntribute to the development of the field of Law and Economics.
SUBMISSIONS Those interested in presenting a paper are invited to submit an electronic copy of the final paper (Word or PDF) or an at least two pages long outline attached to an e‐mail message to and Papers can be submitted either in English,
Spanish or Portuguese. Proposals should also include an abstract in English; keywords; JEL classification; and contact nformation, including author’s complete name, e‐mail, telephone, postal address and current academic or professional position.
The submission deadline is April 1st, 2011.
Papers may be on any topic in or related to Law and Economics with particular emphasis on: 1. Experimental Law and Economics 2. International Law and Economics; 3. Property, including Intellectual Property; 4. Torts; 5. Contracts; 6. Corporate Law and Economics and Corporate Governance; 7. Criminal Law and Law Enforcement; 8. Legal Rule‐making, including Litigation; 9. Market and Non‐market Regulation; 10. Law and Public Policy; 11. Behavioral Law and Economics; 12. Constitutional Law and Economics; including Discrimination; 13. Bankruptcy and Financial Regulation; 14. Law and Development; 15. Trade Law; 16. Energy Law; 17. Environmental Law; 18. The economics of Family, sex, discrimination; 19. Antitrust and regulation. 20. Comparative Law and Economics; 21. Social security and Economic Analysis of Law; 22. Taxes and welfare state; 23. The law and conomics of labor and employment 24. Law and development; 25. Political Economy and Public Choice; 26. International trade; 27. Public and Administrative law and economics.
Papers will be selected by a committee appointed by the ALACDE. Its members will not be allowed to submit papers to the meeting.
Acceptance of proposals will be communicated to authors by May 6th, 2011. Authors whose papers are accepted should be available to comment on other papers presented during the eeting. A final electronic version of the accepted papers must be sent to the local organizers 3pm
by Junerd, 2011. Papers will then be available at And will be ublished in the book of the Center of Studies of Economics and the Law –CEDE of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Additional information about the meeting may be found at the websites In case you need further details, please do not hesitate to contact the organization committee at
ALACDE PRIZES Selected papers can apply for the ALACDE Prizes if the applicant is a scholar in a Latin American or Caribbean country, regardless of his nationality. Applicant to the prize cannot be art of the board, or the local organization committee. All prizes will be given to papers with a Law & Economics approach. he Organization Committee will be in charge of determining the selected papers for the izes. The prizes will be announced at the end of the meeting.
ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Alfredo Bullard ‐ Rafael Mery – Andrew Guzman ‐ Fernando Castillo Cadena – Carlos Pablo árquez Escobar – Alfonso Miranda Londoño
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